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“We can judge our progress by the courage of our questions and the depth of our answers, our willingness to embrace what is true rather than what feels good.”
― Carl Sagan
Favorite Atheist Books
- The Moral Arc by Michael Shermer An in-depth look at how people can be good without gods.
- Good Without God by Greg Epstein This is a very non-threatening book which discusses how someone can be good without gods.
- The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins This book is highly recommended. This book explains some of the reasons to be an atheist.
Favorite Atheist Movies
- Inherit the Wind
Spencer Tracy and Gene Kelly star in this movie about the Scopes Monkey Trial. A teacher is put on trial for teaching Darwin. This classic film is a must-see.
- The Invention of Lying
Ricky Gervais invents religion at his mother’s deathbed. Funny, sad, and not entirely family appropriate.
- Touching the Void
True story of a climber who falls into a crevasse and, facing almost certain death, climbs back to camp with a broken leg fueled only by his atheism.
Favorite Atheist Videos
- Seattle Atheist Church YouTube Channel Seattle Atheist Church records some of the talks given at Seattle Atheist Church. The most important part of church is the discussion following the talk. Come join us at church, if you can.
- TheraminTrees YouTube Channel TherainTrees and his brother Qualia Soup blog about Atheism and Secularism. Their videos are perfect for young people and for anyone new to Atheism. They provide cepts in a key conhistorical and philosophical context.
- QualiaSoup YouTube Channel QualiaSoup and his brother TheraminTrees blog about Atheism and Secularism. Their videos are perfect for young people and for anyone new to Atheism. They provide key concepts in a historical and philosophical context.
Favorite Atheist Websites
- Recovering From Religion Many people find that when they leave their faith, they lose their community. Some people experience emotional distress when they lose their faith. This is a hotline for those who need it.
- American Humanist Association links to support for being good without gods, including National Day of Reason, Reason Cinema, Kids Without God, and Humanist Chaplaincy.
- Common Sense Atheism contains indexes of links to articles at the site on a wide variety of Atheist topics.
- World View Naturalism Another blog by Luke Muehlhauser, the author of the Common Sense Atheism blog.
- Less Wrong Index Articles on Rationality and AI.
Favorite Critical Thinking Websites
- Critical ThinkingTake their free test to see if you are a good critical thinker. A wealth of resources for becoming a better thinker.
- Rationality this site has a checklist to help you build the habit of thinking rationally.
- Your Logical Fallacy Is 300 logical fallacies to help you identify errors in your arguments.
- Peter Boghossian The Crash Course in Critical Thinking Video on this site explains why not making judgements (being a moral reletavist) is a morally bankrupt position.
Other Favorite Ethics, Science, and Technology Resources
- Unweaving the Rainbow by Richard Dawkins This book will help you realize that the natural world is enough for wonder.
- Your Inner Fish by Neil Shubin If your high school education was a sketchy as most, this book will help you understand evolution better.
- Evolution Resources If you had a dodgy science education, find resources here.
- Cosmos a wonderful journey through the cosmos over time, a must-see for anyone whose science education was lacking. Gauranteed to fill you with wonder.
- Wikipedia Entry on Secular Ethics If you want to understand what we mean when we say Atheists can be good without gods.